• Blog more

    Publish at least one blog post every month

    12 out of 12

    I published 12 posts this year; 100% of my target.

  • Start a podcast

    Create a podcast and publish at least 5 episodes

    1 out of 6

    Having made a strong start on this goal, I failed on the final execution. I need to nail down some people to join me and some recording dates; so I'm rolling this into 2020.

  • Save some money

    Save £5,000 by 31 December 2019

    1900 out of 5000

    I end the year having saved approximately £1,900. Some small improvement over last year, but still a C for effort.

  • Exercise more

    Be active for at least 30 minutes every day

    284 out of 365

    I’ve been active for at least 30 minutes for an average of 5.4 out of 7 days each week. That’s 77% of the target — which is pretty good!

  • Ride a bike

    Correct a childhood mistake and learn to ride a bike

    0 out of 1

    Still can't ride a bike.

  • Quit Facebook

    Delete my account and go 365 days without using Facebook.

    365 out of 365


  • Overall progress

    Goal completion

    55% of goals completed (each goal given equal weighting)

    55% of goals completed (each goal given equal weighting)