It’s my birth-week
I turned 34 this week. I shall be referring to this as my “late-early thirties”; my “mid-thirties” can definitely wait until next year!
Croydon plus the seaside
I’m still living in Croydon, but spending a lot of my time down in Brighton where my boyfriend – Matt – lives. His work means he’s based down there until at least next October, at which point we’ll hopefully start living together.
New hobbies
I’ve picked up a new hobby. Well, technically it’s an extension of several existing hobbies but I’m trying to make a Game Boy game. Yes, a game for a two and a half decade old games console.
I’ve started fiddling around with some new development software, and I’ve recently acquired the hardware necessary to start burning things to cartridges.
I have already come up with one idea for a game that I know that the development software can’t help me to build; but I am undeterred. I will come up with a new idea and try again!
New job title, same job
I’m still in the UK Civil Service – 11.2 years now, according to the somewhat-alarming counter in the HR portal. I’m now working in the newly formed Office for Digital Identities and Attributes, which is a part of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology.
I’ve acquired a new job title as part of moving into this newly formed unit; I’m now ‘Assistant Director for Market Oversight and Integrity’. The job itself hasn’t changed from what it was with my old job title; I’m still delivering the operational parts of our team’s work; certification, governance and digital delivery. It’s increasingly complex, and I’m trying to not let it also become complicated.
This is a “Now” page: a look at what’s going on in my life right now.