What are Webmentions?

A webmention is a way for websites to communicate. If you write something in response to one of my posts on this website, your website can notify mine, and your response will be displayed at the bottom of my posts.

It’s a bit like replying to a post on social media, but the conversation can happen directly on our own websites, not on centralised Big Tech platforms.

There are two simple ways to send me a webmention:

  1. Reply via social media
    You can respond to my posts on Mastodon or Bluesky. If I’ve posted something on those social networks that links to my website, you can like, boost, or reply there. Your interaction will be picked up automatically and displayed on my website a few hours later.

  2. Post on your own website
    Write a post on your website that links to any page on my website that you want to mention. At the bottom of most pages is a short form. Copy the URL of your post and paste it into that form. I’ll get notified, and your mention will appear here after a few hours.

That’s it! Try it out. Send me a (Web)mention.