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28 March
21 March
9 March
How novel!
28 February
3 week’s worth of notes
7 February
Have we built a faster horse?
31 January
It’s pronounced ‘Jod’
24 January
17 January
No rest for the wicked
10 January
Back into gear
3 January
Week #1
21 December
25 October
20 September
It's alive!
13 September
So close you can almost taste it
8 September
Weeks notes
16 August
I regret to inform you there is a new PowerPoint template
9 August
The dam bursts
4 August
Music gets the best of me
26 July
Friendly. But socially awkward.
21 July
Everything old is new again
13 July
Extreme vibe shift
7 July
17 May
3 weeks. 3 things.
26 April
Chitting the chat
19 April
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations
12 April
Finding out how I make decisions
5 April
A long and winding road(map)