Appleā€™s peculiar typographic choices

I have noticed something that I cannot un-notice from a company that is renowned for its attention to detail. It has to do with typography1.

In recent months and years, Apple ā€” yes, that Apple ā€” have been launching a flurry of new devices, software and services. Many pages have been written and much ink spilled about the success of each. I want to focus on the period since 2014: since the announcement of the Apple Watch. That is the start of the typographic nonsense.

A quick trip back in product time

But in order to look at the present, a short detour to the past is necessary, and specifically at names of things in Appleā€™s history.

The names of Appleā€™s hardware and software have always been a bit all over the shop. Weā€™ve had the eMac and iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air, the iPod, iPhone and iPad, the Apple TV and HomePod. Thatā€™s just the hardware.

With Appleā€™s operating system software weā€™ve had Mac OS X, iPhone OS, iOS, Apple TV Software and watchOS to name a few2.

Basically, thereā€™s been very little consistency in the names of things. One thing has been consistent though: the typography.

ā€˜Macā€™ has always been capitalised. ā€˜MacBooksā€™ always with the uppercase ā€˜Bā€™. The use of ā€˜iā€™ before products, and ā€˜eā€™ before that ā€” however meaningless the letter was ā€” has been consistently a lowercase letter, followed by an uppercase letter. There was an internal typographic logic, even amidst the chaos of the product names themselves.

Not so with Appleā€™s products since 2014.

Typographic hell starts in 2014

Itā€™s 9 September 2014 and Tim Cook stands on the stage at the Flint Center for Performing Arts in Cupertino, California. He unveils Appleā€™s newest device.

Apple watch. Small caps.

Except itā€™s also Apple Watch ā€” title case ā€” when itā€™s anywhere other than in the logo.

30 June 2015. Tim Cook announces ā€œone more thingā€¦ā€ at Appleā€™s Worldwide Developerā€™s Conference. This time, a service.

Apple music. Also small caps.

The use of small caps in Appleā€™s product typography is inconsistent with everything else Apple sold at the time, but itā€™s at least ā€” by mid 2015 ā€” starting to become a new kind of consistency.

Except not, because Apple music (small caps) sometimes is also Apple Music ā€” title case. Thatā€™s not to mention:

  • Apple Pay (title case)
  • Apple Pencil (title case)
  • AirPods (camel case)
  • HomePod (camel case)

And then there is the worst of them all: ā€˜Apple tv+ā€™ and ā€˜Apple tv 4į“‹ā€™.

Not ā€˜tv+ā€™ small caps or even ā€˜TV+ā€™ normal caps, but ā€˜tv+ā€™; lowercase. Not ā€˜TV 4Kā€™, but ā€˜tv 4Kā€™ ā€” both lowercase for something traditionally uppercase (TV), and also uppercase for something traditionally uppercase (4K).


It gets worse in the visuals

Reader, Iā€™ll level with you. I could overlook these totally bananas inconsistencies, I really could. But then they went and did the full logo designs.

I mean, just look at them!3

Apple's Apple TV+ and Apple TV 4K wordmarks.
Figure 1: Apple's TV+ and TV 4K wordmarks, x-height differences highlighted and zoomed in.
Apple's Apple Music wordmarks in both title and small caps cases.
Figure 2: Apple Music wordmarks, x-height and cap height differences highlighted and zoomed in.

The textā€™s x-height is different in each.

Lowercase letters in some wordmarks align to the very top of the core of the apple logo; in others they donā€™t quite reach. Uppercase letters with an aligned cap height in some wordmarks inexplicably match the cap height of small caps in others.

And now youā€™ve noticed it too, havenā€™t you? Itā€™s enough to make your toes curl, and I promise you this; it cannot be unseen.


  1. Yes, ā€˜typographyā€™; not ā€˜fontsā€™. Fonts are files that package up the designs of letters and characters, otherwise known as typefaces. Simplistically, typography is turning typefaces into visually pleasing layouts. ↩︎

  2. Mercifully, the names of Appleā€™s operating systems do now appear to have a consistent naming ā€” and, importantly, typographic ā€” logic: macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and watchOS. ↩︎

  3. All these assets have been borrowed straight from Appleā€™s websites or apps with no alterations, aside from adding horizontal lines to emphasise size differences. ↩︎

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