A podcast in the making: the RSS feed and hosting

As I mentioned in my last post, getting a podcast on to the Internet has turned out to be more difficult than I thought it would be. Creating the basic website was fairly straightforward, thanks to some tools Iā€™d used before. Where I came unstuck was the RSS feed.

If you donā€™t know already, podcast feeds are just RSS feeds with a set of specific tags to make things like the Apple Podcasts listings work.

When it came to making the RSS feed, I had two difficulties. I needed to:

  1. figure out the XML tags I needed for the RSS feed itself to work
  2. successfully get the feed to validate

The second difficulty caused me a further, third headache: I needed a better solution for hosting my audio files. In this post, Iā€™ll share what Iā€™ve done to fix all that.

This is a series of blog posts about how Iā€™m making a podcast. Iā€™m sharing what Iā€™m doing in case others find it useful. To read the other posts, head over to my ā€œGetting startedā€ post.

Setting up the RSS feed

As I mentioned in my last post, Iā€™m using Jekyll ā€” a static site generator ā€” to run the podcastā€™s website. The benefit of using Jekyll is that I donā€™t need to hand code each part of the feed every time I need to update it; instead, I can rely on Jekyllā€™s build process to turn the content from the website Iā€™ve made into the RSS feed automatically.

All Iā€™ve needed to do is figure out the markup needed to generate the feed.

The basic file structure

The first thing I did was create a podcast.rss file and used the _episodes collection Iā€™ve create the feed.

The skeleton markup

There are a lot of XML tags to include in an RSS feed for podcasts. Linking these to sensible things in your _config.yml and post front matter is also a bit confusing.

To get started, you need to wrap the whole thing in <rss> and <channel> tags, like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:itunes="http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd" xml:lang="">

		// Your feed here


If you set up a lang variable in your _config.yml, you can link this into the opening <rss> tag with xml:lang="". Mineā€™s en for English.

With your scaffolding in place, you then will need a bunch of markup to tell podcast readers about the podcast as a whole, and then a separate set of markup for each episode in the feed.

Channel markup

Youā€™ll want to start by setting some variables in your _config.yml file that will be for your ā€˜channelā€™ as a whole when itā€™s shown on a podcast listings or in a podcast app.

The things youā€™ll want to set up are:

Variable Description
title In my case ā€œDepartment of Bad Ideasā€
author Thatā€™s you! (Or, actually, me)
email Your contact email (note: this will be public)
subtitle A one sentence description of your show
summary A one paragraph description of your show
description A longer form description of your show
explicit Does the show contain explicit content? A simple ā€œyesā€ or ā€œnoā€ will suffice
type Is the podcast episodic or serial i.e. do you want to list the first episode first, or the most recent episode first?
lang The language of your podcast, in recognised format i.e. en
launch-date When you started the show, in reverse date format, i.e. 2019-01-01
copyright Add whatever you need to in here; remember to use encoded symbols like &#xA9; for Ā©
podcast-feed Use this as the URL for your feed on your site.

Thatā€™s most of what you might want to add as site variables so that you can populate your feedā€™s channel information.

Next, in your podcast.rss file, youā€™ll want to add in the XML tags you need, and then insert the Jekyll variables you made above. Rather than put the code here ā€” you can see all the markup on the Github repository ā€” hereā€™s a quick list of the tags youā€™ll need which site variables youā€™ll want to match them to from your _config.yml.

XML tags Description Jekyll variables
atom:link The URL of your podcast feed RSS site.url
title The title of your podcast site.title
description Your long form description of your show site.description
link Your websiteā€™s home URL site.url
language The language the podcast is in site.lang
managingEditor Your name and email site.email, site.author
webMaster Probably the same as managingEditor site.email, site.author
copyright Any copyright information you want to include site.launch_date, site.title or site.copyright
pubDate Date the feed was published site.time
lastBuildDate When the RSS feed was last generated: this should be handled by Jekyll site.time
image Your default podcast artwork
> link A URL to your podcast home page site.url
> url The URL for your artwork site.podcast-artwork
> title The site title site.title

There are then a bunch of Apple specific tags youā€™ll want to include. Some of these improve the presentation of your podcast in the Apple Podcasts listings ā€” like separating your episodes into separate series if youā€™re using the serial format.

XML tags Description Jekyll variables
itunes:subtitle The single sentence description of the show site.subtitle
itunes:author This helps to bundle your podcasts in the storeā€™s search results site.author
itunes:summary This is a short paragraph describing your show site.summary
itunes:keywords Include some keywords to help with search site.keywords
itunes:owner This helps to bundle your podcasts in the storeā€™s search results
> name Your name site.author
> email Your email site.email
itunes:image As with the image tag above; recommended artwork size is 3000px by 3000px site.podcast-artwork
itunes:category Youā€™ll need to look this up in Appleā€™s guidance
itunes:explicit This filters your podcast out of results if itā€™s not suitable for younger audiences site.explicit
itunes:type Podcasts can be serial ā€” shown as newest first ā€” or episodic ā€” shown as oldest first site.type

Episodes markup

Once youā€™ve put together the skeleton of your feed together and marked up the overall channel, you can move on to the code for the episodes.

The basic code uses a loop, based on the _episodes archive I created earlier, and it looks like this:

{%- assign episodes = site.episodes | sort_by: date | reverse -%}
{%- for episode in episodes -%}
	// The RSS feed details needed for each episode
{%- endfor -%}

This code takes the YAML front matter from each episode, and put it into the RSS feed in reverse date order (newest on top).

Validating the feed

With all that done, and with the RSS feed put online, it was time to validate the feed. Whilst that sounded daunting, there was a really straight-forward tool to do it ā€” Podbase.

All you do is copy the URL of the RSS feed into the tool, and itā€™ll tell you if youā€™ve done everything correctly. Luckily for me I had, except for one thing: hosting.

Better hosting

In order to get good placement within the Apple Podcasts store the servers hosting your audio files needs to support ā€˜HTTP HEAD requestsā€™. As Podbase describes it:

ā€œThe server for your episodes must support ā€˜HTTP HEAD requestsā€™, which is a fancy way of saying that iTunes must be able to get information about your files without downloading them whole.ā€

Github Pages doesnā€™t support HTTP HEAD requests: so I needed to think of an alternative. Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3 service does support HTTP HEAD requests, so I shifted my files over to there.

This doesnā€™t require you to move your site or RSS feed itself. You can just move your audio files, because the RSS feed will point Apple Podcasts (and the validator) towards the HTTP HEAD request-supporting server.

Thatā€™s it! Youā€™re all set to host your podcast ā€” now on to the recording.

All posts in this series

  1. Iā€™m making a podcast
  2. Getting started
  3. Setting up a website
  4. RSS feeds and hosting
  5. Iterating on the idea

You can find out more about the Department of Bad Ideas on the podcastā€™s new website.

You can also subscribe on Apple Podcasts or on Spotify. Just search for ā€œDepartment of Bad Ideasā€.

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