Platinum 29 Dec 2023

I completed Horizon Zero Dawn’s story several years ago, but I recently returned to it to play it through again and to try to get that sacred Platinum trophy.

I regret my decision.

The story is exceptional. I think it’s brilliantly told, with some top class acting talent to sell it – especially Lance Reddick’s performance as Sylens.

But Horizon Zero Dawn is an open world game and, as I have discovered, getting a Platinum trophy in an open world game is rarely worth the reward. You spend so long traipsing around doing busy work that you lose the fun and wonder of the game.

I’ve recently started playing the sequel (which even for me – an avid science fiction lover – has a story that is a bit far-fetched) and I don’t even know if I’ll have the desire to finish it.

Open world games should be big enough to finish within 10 to 20 hours. That size game is juuusssttt right.

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