Setting some goals for 2025

Rather than “resolutions”, I have an annual tradition of setting myself several specific, measurable goals that I can form new habits around across the year.

I set multiple separate targets so that if one of them goes off the rails, I can still succeed at something else and not get too down beat about it. I track all the goals online so that anyone that knows me can nudge me to get back on track.

I already have a sense that 2025 is going to be the most demanding year yet, between work and an ongoing, all-consuming dispute with our freeholder and management company that is probably going to end up in court. I also have an idea for an enormous project that I want to be the main focus of my spare time already; and that project doesn’t lend itself to this kind of goal tracking.

Accordingly, I am dialling back my ambitions a little bit and setting myself some goals that I’m confident I can manage on top of what will certainly be a hectic work-life balance.

My goals for 2025

1. Weeknote

Giles has given me the bug for doing weeknotes. Last year, in spurts, I started to weeknote and this year I’m going to have a real crack at doing it every week.

Success measure: Publish a weeknote every week

2. Share

Last year, I started to share a variety of new types of blog post on my website; notes, lists, music, games, replies, reposts, weeknotes, and ‘now’ posts. That enabled me to be a bit less uptight about maintaining a perfect walled-garden and instead to re-wild my online presence.

This year, I’m going to continue to POSSE1, aiming to publish at least one thing on my website every week in the same way I would have done on centralised social media siloes.

Success measure: Share something on my website once a week

3. Exercise

This year I am changing my fitness goal to be a bit tougher.

Instead of closing my “Activity Rings” in general terms, I am only going to count intentional, serious exercise towards my goals this year. I want to go for a run, hit the gym, do some weights, go bouldering or some other kind of more intensive workout at least 4 times a week.

Success measure: Exercise for at least 30 minutes an average of 4 times a week (and going for a walk doesn’t count)

4. Save

I’ve been trying to put money aside for a rainy day ever since I started to track these goals.

Now that I have a mortgage rather than renting, and enough put aside for a rainy day in my bank account already, it actually makes very little sense to put money into a savings account. Even with interest rates on savings accounts much higher than my mortgage rate (I was lucky and locked in a 2% rate before the rates hikes started), I’m still earning a pittence on savings and paying a tonne in mortgage interest. So, I am going to switch gears.

Instead of putting cash into a saving’s account, I’m going to treat my mortgage as a savings account. I’m going plow every spare penny I have this year directly into my mortgage instead.

Success measure: Overpay on my mortgage by at least £5,000

Off we go!

So those are my slightly less ambitious goals for the year ahead. Onwards!

You can follow my progress with my goals by visiting my goals dashboard.


  1. That’s an IndieWeb term that stands for “Publish on your Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere”. ↩︎

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